Superdoll's Happy Holiday Fashion Offering

Today Superdoll Collectables offered four fashions for sale. Each was 120. British Pounds or $188.63 US except for Bitter Pill which was 140. British Pounds or $220.07 US. Postage from the UK to the US added another $25.42.

Of course, I'd like to have all of them and although I was not planning to purchase anymore doll stuff through the end of the year, I did order Bitter Pill. It's quite beautiful.

Dreamscape looks appealingly frothy, sparkly and princess-like.

I'd need to see Emerald Oyster in person to appreciate it fully. The photos of all the black dresses were very dark. I adjusted the lightness and contrast in an attempt to bring out the details.

Etoile is even harder to evaluate due to the lack of visible detail. It looks interesting but what is going on around the neck and on the bodice? We'll have to wait and see for the buyers to post pictures.

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