MetroDolls Event Part I

Today we attended what felt like a mini doll convention in Iselin, New Jersey. This complex event was put on by the MetroDolls doll club. The members worked very hard to coordinate and pull off a luncheon that was very well attended not only by doll collectors but also by professional doll designers and artists. In addition to Robert Tonner who was the featured speaker, Doug James, Mel Odom and Paul Pham were there. Designers from all over the world sent in stunning creations for the charity auction.
The charity auction items.

The table centerpiece:
Various Club Members and Other Doll Stars: Doug James, Adrian, Carmel, Ed Haley, Mel Odom, Mike Basala, Cindy Lorimer, Paul Pham, Tim, Bob, Laurie Lenz and Robert Tonner.
Competition Entries:

-------------------------------------------->>More in MetroDolls Part II