I have to admit, I buckled. I bought Forever Edward for his clothes.
I will sell the doll as he is not a character I 'need.'
If you do decide to buy, before you click the complete purchase button, do your research and make sure you are getting your goodies for the best price. A quick check on Google will bring up a bunch of shops selling your mainline Tonner items.
I'm glad I didn't cave right after the convention and buy Lady Grace. She is listed at $199. and last week, if I had ordered her, I would have been paying shipping, tax and no discount. (You have to pay tax anyway.) The difference in price between last week and now: $224.70 - $167.16 = $57.54! That's a nice chunk of change.
Here is the link to the sale:
I will sell the doll as he is not a character I 'need.'
If you do decide to buy, before you click the complete purchase button, do your research and make sure you are getting your goodies for the best price. A quick check on Google will bring up a bunch of shops selling your mainline Tonner items.
I'm glad I didn't cave right after the convention and buy Lady Grace. She is listed at $199. and last week, if I had ordered her, I would have been paying shipping, tax and no discount. (You have to pay tax anyway.) The difference in price between last week and now: $224.70 - $167.16 = $57.54! That's a nice chunk of change.
Here is the link to the sale: