Deja Vu: Tonner's New Collection

This very bold statement accompanied the image above:
On Saturday, August 17th, 2013 Tonner Doll will proudly present two lives as part of the new direct-to-consumer exclusive Déjà vu Collection.  Get the strange sensation of Déjà vu and be the first to experience a whole new concept in fashion dolls!

Our heroine is 16" in height and boasts a completely new Robert Tonner body and head sculpt, and a compelling story with equally compelling fashions from across the spans of time. 

After encountering Déjà vu, you'll never look at a 16" fashion doll the same way - no matter how many lives you've had!
What I'm thinking is that we're going to see a pop-it bead concept doll. The (really cool) images above show the 'spans of time' as far as fashion goes, but do you see the buttons? What do they signify? Let's unbutton a head or an arm or a leg. Hmmmmm.
We can already change feet and hands. Why not the rest of the body parts? 
Wax on; wax off.

Just for fun, check out this blog post: